Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is both in the public interest and is not likely to adversely affect aviation safety, I hereby partially exempt Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited (hereinafter “Bell Helicopter”), 12800 rue de l'Avenir, Mirabel QC, J7J 1R4 from the requirements of subsection 521.158(1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) only with respect to the requirements of paragraph 527.1(a) - Applicability of the Airworthiness Manual, subject to the conditions specified herein.
Subsection 521.158(1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations requires the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the Basis of Certification.
Paragraph 527.1(a) - Applicability of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) establishes the maximum mass (weights) for Normal Category Rotorcraft.
The details of the above provisions are provided in Appendix A to this exemption.
The purpose of this exemption is to permit Bell Helicopter to increase the maximum mass (weight) of any Bell Helicopter Model 429 from 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs) to 3 402 kg (7,500 lbs) or less, while maintaining a normal category rotorcraft certification, such that the modified rotorcraft will exceed the maximum mass (weight) limit specified for normal category rotorcraft in paragraph 527.1(a) - Applicability of the AWM, and to issue the corresponding design change approval to Bell Helicopter.
This exemption applies to Bell Helicopter only as part of the basis of certification for a type design change approval (optional modification) for the Bell Helicopter Model 429, as identified on Transport Canada Type Certificate No. H‑107, that approves the increase in maximum mass (weight) (internal loading) from 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs) to 3 402 kg (7,500 lbs) or less. The unchanged Bell Helicopter - Model 429 (i.e. with maximum mass (weight) of 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs)) retains the original normal category rotorcraft certification and is not subject to the conditions of this exemption.
This exemption is subject to Bell Helicopter complying with all of the following conditions:
- The maximum mass (weight) (internal loading) must be limited to 3 402 kg (7,500 lbs) or less;
- The type design of the Bell Helicopter Model 429 must not be changed to increase the maximum number of occupants beyond eight (8) occupants or the passenger-carrying capacity beyond seven (7) passengers as part of the maximum weight increase permitted under this exemption;
- Prior to exercising the privileges of this exemption, each Bell Helicopter Model 429 for which a maximum mass (weight) increase above 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs) and up to 3 402 kg (7,500 lbs) is sought, including all modifications made to it, must meet the requirements established in the certification basis at the increased maximum mass (weight). This includes any special requirements for certification; i.e. equivalent levels of safety and special conditions-airworthiness that may have been issued to complete certification;
- Compliance with the applicable aircraft emission standards (i.e. noise and vented fuel) of AWM Chapter 516 must be shown at the increased maximum mass (weight);
- A method must be in place to identify any life limited components affected by the increase in maximum mass (weight). If the increase in maximum mass (weight) requires that any life limited components be restricted to a lower service life, and these components may be interchanged between configurations of standard maximum mass (weight) and increased maximum mass (weight) above 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs), a Supplement to the Bell Helicopter Model 429 Maintenance Manual, Chapter 4 – Airworthiness Limitations Schedule must specify that life limited components interchanged between configurations must be restricted to the lowest service life indicated for the configurations affected. This shall apply to all Bell Helicopter Model 429’s at the increased maximum mass (weight);
- Bell Helicopter shall distinguish between Model 429 helicopters certificated up to 3 402 kg (7,500 lbs) maximum mass (weight) from those that are certificated to the standard maximum mass (weight) of 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs);
- The Bell Helicopter Model 429 must comply with the Category A design, installation and performance requirements of AWM Chapter 527 - Appendix C (this does not require that the helicopter be operated as Category A);
- The Bell Helicopter Model 429 must comply with AWM Chapter 527 at Change 527-9, except for AWM 527.1457 and 527.1459 at Change 527-6;
- The following equipment must be installed on any Bell Helicopter Model 429 configured for a maximum mass (weight) above 3 175 kg (7,000 lbs):
- Cockpit Voice Recorder/Flight Data Recorder (CVR/FDR);
- Helicopter Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (HTAWS);
- Radar altimeter;
- Dual auto-pilot with coupled flight director capability (minimum 3 axis); and
- An appropriate and effective bird repellent device or technology, such as a forward flashing lights.
This exemption is in effect until the earliest of the following:
- the date on which any one of the conditions set out in this exemption is breached; or
- the date on which this exemption is canceled in writing by the Minister where he is of the opinion that the exemption is no longer in the public interest, or that it is likely to adversely affect aviation safety.
DATED at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada this _____ day of ____________, 2011 on behalf of the Minister of Transport.
Original signed by Dave Turnbull on 28th December 2011
David Turnbull
Director, National Aircraft Certification
Civil Aviation
Appendix A
Part V – Airworthiness
Subpart 21 – Division IV – Changes to a Type Design
Section 521.158 – Standards of Airworthiness
521.158 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (9), an applicant for the approval of a change to the type design of an aeronautical product shall demonstrate that the product meets the standards of airworthiness recorded in the type certificate data sheets and in force on the date of the application for the change.
Chapter 527 – Normal Category Rotorcraft
Subchapter A – General
Section 527.1 – Applicability [Change 527-9]
- This Chapter sets out airworthiness standards for the issue of type certificates and changes to those type certificates, for normal category rotorcraft with maximum mass (weights) of 3,175 kg (7,000 lbs.) or less and nine or less passenger seats.
- Reserved.
- Multi-engine rotorcraft may be type certificated as Category A provided the requirements referenced in Appendix C of this chapter are met.
- Date de modification :